Parelli HorseManShip book – Theory & Horse Behavior


Parelli HorseManShip book – Theory & horse behavior. The basis for horses and humans to become true partners. In Dutch.

The theory book for all those interested in Parelli Natural Horsemanship.

What does it mean to look at the world from your horse’s point of view? First and foremost, it means developing an understanding of the horse’s nature so that you can better communicate with him. It is the study of equine psychology and horse behavior. That’s horsemanship.

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It is our desire to help you become a “Natural Horseman,” a true horse person. This is Parelli’s mission – to raise the level of horsemanship worldwide and ensure a better world for both horse and man.

This brand new book has 96 pages and is illustrated with beautiful photographs. Publication date Sept. 8, 2022.